Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Hey Internet, its Punk.  Been a crazy week here in Delaware!  Tuesday we had the Virginia quake and Saturday we saw Hurricane Irene and some tornadoes!  Alls well now and the weather is gorgeous.  I've been feeling kind of stressed the past few days going over my finances.  I am lucky I have a terrific job and my first home is amazing but right now I am stretching things pretty thin haha.  Once I figure out a better way to budget and stay in the green it will be just fine but its been pretty frustrating living paycheck to paycheck this way and overdrawing my account every single month.

We are just kicking into my favorite time of year!  I love the fall.  Its my favorite weather all year long with crisp walks in the woods or at various parks, the leaves changing, wearing my favorite hoodies, football on Sundays, PA Renn Faire, and Halloween of course.  I can't wait to do all those things that I missed out on last year with my broken ankle.

The title of this entry is in reference to volunteerism.  Play Practice is starting up soon for the Possibility Players and I am excited about that.  I really enjoy helping out and being a part of such a wonderful organization but I am going to step down as President as HOMH.  It has just been too much for me lately with a full time job and now especially living an hour away I can't be as involved as I once was and it isn't fair to the group.  I am still going to be a big part of the show and help to get it all together but the administrative side is going to have to fall on someone elses shoulders.

I am also excited to say that I have applied to join a volunteer organization here in Delaware.  I sent in my application to Best Buddies International today and the lady that I've been talking to is very excited to have me aboard.  After a background check and in person interview I will be paired up with someone in my area with a developmental disability and be their "Buddy".  Basically just be a friend and spend time with them.  I am really looking forward to this and can't wait to meet whoever they think I'd be a good fit for.

Thats about it for now!  Later Internet.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

"May your heart grow bolder like an iron-clad brigade"

I have a puppy.  His name is Finn McCool.  When I tell people his name they usually say "Thats a fun name" or "Why did you name your dog after a bar in Philly?"  So I thought I would take this opportunity to explain the origins of the name.

Finn McCool was an old hero from Celtic legend.  Finn was the son of another hero named Cumhail who was leader of  warrior clan called the Fianna.  Cumhail wished to marry a druidess named Muirne but her father Tadg forbade it.  Cumhail and his wife ran away together and Tadg made him an outlaw.  Cumhail's second in command Goll Mac Morna became the leader of the Fianna and hunted down and killed Cumhail.  The druidess Muirne was protected and gave birth to Fionn mac Cumhail (anglicized to Finn McCool). 

As a boy Finn grew up in the forest being trained to fight and hunt and eventually traveled the land in disguise to do many odd jobs for the kings of the land.  After seeing his strength the kings would recognize Finn as the son of the outlaw Cumhail and banish him to the next kingdom.  Eventually Finn was taken in by the leprechaun Finnecas and was taught music, art, and poetry.  Finnecas spent 7 years trying to catch a magical fish known as the "Salmon of Wisdom".  It was said that whoever caught and first tasted the flesh of the fish would gain all the knowledge of the universe.  When Finnecas finally caught the legendary salmon he ordered Finn to cook it for him.  Unfortunately when Finn was frying the fish he burnt his thumb on some of the boiling oil and instictively sucked his thumb to alleve the pain, accidentally swallowing a piece of the fish's meat.  Finn then gained all of the salmons wisdom and was able to call upon the knowledge at any time by sucking on his thumb. 

My favorite story of Finn was how he returned to the hall of his father and claimed his birthright, command of the Fianna.  Below is a poem by Marie Marshall telling the story of Finn at Tara Hall and how he defeated the evil elf king Alain.

How Finn McCool became King of Tara

Come children dear and sit by me,
Come young and old, come one and all.
I’ll take my harp upon my knee,
And sing of Finn, and Tara’s hall.

When harvest’s gold was gathered in,
And Tara’s mount was hung with lights,
Bold Goll McMorna and his kin
Would welcome the November nights
With songs, and mead, and revelry.
Such tales… such laughter on the air…
The flower of Celtic chivalry,
The Irish maidens tall and fair,
The Embassies from Alba’s land,
And Ellan Vannin’s thanes and eorls
All were assembled; and at hand
See – Goll McMorna’s dancing girls!

Now, picture this: the midnight bell
Had struck, half-heard amongst the throng,
The long, bright summer’s final knell,
When Goll McMorna called, “A song!
A song to gladden every soul –
I’ll pledge a quart of usquebaugh
To him who, here on Tara’s knoll…”
A gentle knock came at the door
And Goll’s oration died away
For, standing at the threshold there
Appeared a man as fair as day,
Tall as a birch, and dark of hair.

“My name is Allan of the Harp,”
Declared the man of handsome face,
“From Donegal. By glen and scarp,
Long have I sought McMorna’s race.
In honour’s name a boon I crave –
My song to sing, my harp to play,
A tribute to such warriors brave,
Who celebrate the harvest day!”
McMorna cried, “I grant that boon!”
And Allan struck a note so sweet…
And there, beneath the harvest moon,
Each reveller stilled in his seat.

For Allan was an Elvish King
With magic power – an evil wight
Who hated, above anything
To see a mortal lord in might.
So he, with clear, enchanted notes
Called up a mist, like billows deep
Made up of sweetly-perfumed motes,
To lull the revellers to sleep,
As Allan laughed in wicked mirth –
Forgetfulness akin to death
From which there is no second birth –
And burned the hall with fiery breath!

For three and twenty years the hall
Of Tara’s King was razed and burned
On Harvest Eve. But none recall
Who from that eldritch sleep returned
The harping of the evil elf –
In mystery was Tara cloaked –
Until young Finn McCool himself
The right of rest and board invoked
One summer’s end, and joined their feast.
A modest boy of humble mien,
He sat the lowest, ate the least,
Observed the merrymaking scene.

At midnight sharp came Allan in
And shrouded all with slumber foul
Except the youthful paladin,
Who hid a spear beneath his cowl
And pressed the blade against his cheek.
Then Allan stalked around the room
And wrathfully began to speak.
“This is brave Goll McMorna’s doom,
That once a year shall Tara fall
And fire her rising towers destroy.
And thus I curse you, one and all!”
At which, up sprang the noble boy…

Young Finn McCool held fast his spear,
His blood shone crimson on its blade,
And Allan stood amazed, in fear -
No spell, no word, no move he made.
Too late he tried to draw his knife
As Finn charged with a battle cry.
The spear-blade robbed him of his life,
And Finn stooped down to watch him die.
McMorna’s kin then all awoke…
Astonished eyes took in the sight,
And Goll himself in wonder spoke,
“Is Tara saved, this Harvest Night?”

Brave Finn’s renown spread far and wide –
The bards declaimed, the clerks set down
His mighty deed of Samhain-tide,
And Goll gave up his royal crown!
McCool of Tara’s tales live still –
By firesides the shanachies
Recite them now. Each glen and hill
Resounds with songs and tales like these.
But friends, beware the traveller
With handsome face, with dagger sharp,
Who asks to please the reveller
With songs and music on the harp!
Come children dear and sit by me,
Come young and old, come one and all.
I’ll take my harp upon my knee,
And sing of Finn, and Tara’s hall.

Well there you have it.  Thats the story of Finn McCool and why I wanted to name my pup after him.  I hope you enjoyed it.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our Brave New World....

Well I guess I'll kickstart this off by making my first official post about a subject that is very dear to me.  My older brother Bryan was born with Down Syndrome.  Trisomy 21 is something that he has but it is definately not WHO he is.  Growing up my brother was my room mate and along with my oldest brother Jason, my earliest playmate.  While Jason was always the ring leader and brains behind all of our games, he was a stickler for the rules and liked to keep it clean, not so much with my brother Bryan.  He was the one I could cause mischief with.  Making mud pies in the back yard or making it snow in the living room using a box of pancake mix, we had our fair share of trouble making.  I remember all the stares and the muttered comments when we were out.  I remember why we stopped attending church when they refused to teach him.  I remember the altercations with other kids who just didn't understand.  I remember at times feeling embarassed by him when I had friends over and the horrible guilt I felt for feeling that way.
I helped coach his Challenger Baseball league and participated in the theater group he was a part of ever since I was in kindergarten.  He is one of the most important people in the world to me and I can not imagine my life without his influence.....

Which brings me to a topic which made me want to start this blog in the first place.  Last week I was going through some other blogs about Down Syndrome and the Word to end the Word campaign when I came across a very upsetting statistic.  I read that of the expectant mothers that discovered they were having a Down Syndrome baby, 90% decided to have it aborted.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  30 years ago many believed that Down Syndrome children could not have a fulfilling life.  Most were put into group homes or institutions thinking that they would never learn to read, write, or function in day to day life.  One of the first words the doctor said to my mother after Bryan was born was that "You don't need to keep it".  But today those myths are completely dispelled.  Down Syndrome children attend the same schools as mainstreamed students, they read, they write, they act, they play sports, they sing, they dance, they laugh, they love.  I read that the reason Mother's have aborted their DS babies is because they think they can not have as good  a quality of life than other children.  From my experience with my brother and all the wonderful people I've volunteered with these past 20 years I can attest that it is just not true.  Not only does Bryan have an awesome life that he takes such absolute joy in, but he has without a doubt made my own life so much brighter. 

I equate this disturbing trend to the outdated Eugenics movement and shudder to think that if given the choice the world would rather not have people like my brother in it.  It makes me very sad for this world and I just wish there was a way I could show people how wrong they are...

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Greetings Internet!  This is my first attempt at writing a blog.  I decided to give it a shot as I've never really been very good at expressing myself, preffering instead to keep my feelings private.  I hope to use this blog as a tool to focus my thoughts and give them a voice.  As such I'm afraid I won't be blogging about a dedicated theme or topic as many others do, instead I will be posting about whatever might be on my mind at the time.  Expect to hear about my friends, family, books, movies, music, etc... 

Welcome to Musings of a Modern Day Alchemist... we are on a great adventure.